Funguard- Organic Certified Fungicidal Fertilizer
Funguard is an organic certified fungal and disease controlling technical blend containing organic & natural extracts, animal extracts. This efficient technical blend is useful to control variety of fungal and viral diseases.
Funguard delivers following benefits to plant
- It helps to improve immunity in plant to fight against fungal diseases
- It is also useful in unfavourable climatic conditions to prevent propagation of diseases
- Helps to boost yield, quality and shelf life of the crop
For Foliar Spray : 1.5- 2 ml / litre
For Soil Application (Drip/Drenching): 500ml /acre (1.25 L / hectare)
Time of Application
First Foliar Spray - Preventive
Second Foliar Spray – After attack of Fungal & Viral diseases
Packing for Retail Sale: 250ml, 500ml & 1L
Packing for Bulk Sale: 50L, 200L